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Colleen Shipman

An engagement announcement from the parents of Colleen Shipman had received by the The Beaver County Times. Colleen Shipman was engaged to former space shuttle pilot Bill Oefelein. They are now planning their wedding in summer 2010 in Shipman’s hometown, just outside of Pittsburgh.

In February 2007, Colleen was attacked by another former astronaut, Lisa Nowak, with pepper spray in an Orlando International Airport parking lot. Nowak, who worked with Oefelein in the space programme, drove a thousand miles from Houston to Orlando to attack Colleen, according to authorities.
She (Nowak) also tried to get into my car, said Colleen. Nowak told the police later that she only wanted to talk to Shipman.

Nowak was wearing a wig, trench coat and glasses. She was carrying a duffel bag filled with a bb pistol, rubber mallet, surgical tubing, four-inch hunting knife, latex gloves and garbage bags. Oefelein told Nowak that he was breaking off their relationship after he dated Colleen for about six weeks. The Orlando incident took place a month after he told Nowak. In Anchorage, Alaska, Shipman and Oefelein live together. In California, Bill Oefelein is working as a test pilot. Colleen Shipman is working as a freelance adventure writer. Lisa Nowak remains in the U.S. Navy and lives with her three children in Houston


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