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adam lambert ama performance video

Adam Lambert's AMA performance of "For your entertainment" is being called risque by some. Lambert shocked some viewers when a male dancer simulated oral sex on him. At the end of Lambert's performance he made out with his male keyboardist.

Lambert seemed very pleased with his AMA performance. He posted on Twitter "All hail freedom of expression and artistic integrity. :) fans: I adore u."

Fan reaction to Adam Lambert's AMA performance seems mixed. Many fans said he was amazing and praised his racy performance for being true to himself. Some AMA viewers are posting negative comments on Twitter, blogs, and YouTube that they are disappointed with Lambert's performance. Some are expressing their disappointment over sexuality being thrown in their faces. Others are criticizing his singing.

If you are one of the people calling his performance awful, remember Lambert performed was live and unlike other musicians in the past he did not lip-sync.

Music awards shows have always had racy performances and really Lambert's is no different. In 2003 Madonna kissed Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera at the MTV awards. Perhaps, we are not accustomed to seeing a male artist kissing another man or simulating sex acts with another man on stage. If a female artist does the same thing Lambert did then it's sexy and everyone seems to eat it up. Lambert does it and people seemed shocked.

The song "For your entertainment" is about pushing the limits and Lambert did just that. We applaud him for that. If you are shocked by what you saw then maybe you are missing the point of the song.

What did you think of Lambert's performance? Please be sure to comment below and take our poll

Did Adam Lambert fall at the American Music Awards?

Adam Lambert did appear to fall during his performance. Watch the video below. He seems to stumble and fall about the 1:40 mark.
Lambert was in good company falling last night. Jennifer Lopez also fell during her AMA performance of "Louboutins".


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